Switch to save portrait photos directly to /DCIM/Camera (thanks san1ty): A lot of people wanted this feature, so here it is. But be warned: I haven't done any extensive testing to see if the portrait bug from previous versions still occurs here; so far so good. Use at your own risk
Switch to use custom lib (from @cstark27): Of the custom libraries I've tried, Sav ZA v3 is so far the best in my opinion. It significantly reduces black crushing while keeping noise reduction etc the same as stock lib. However, this also reduces overall contrast and/or saturation. The choice is yours
Enabled DCI-P3 colorspace: I honestly don't know what this does, but I hope enabling it will bring some kind of improvement
Fixed faded RAW photos (thanks for the tips @ Urnyx05): RAW photos (.dng) will now not have faded colors directly from the camera