Corrections and modifications by Jairo:
- Base redone again (without taking advantage of version 2.0)
- Removed temporal radius
- removed dehaze
- Separate Libpatch for auxiliary lenses
- Fixed pink and blue stains in dark areas
- Modified and reorganized menu
- Menu colors changed
- Camera icon changed
Corrections and modifications by Herades:
- Added option to change auxiliary lens ID
- Added the option of black and white photos
- Added AWB button in the viewfinder (activate in settings)
- Added Black and White button in the viewfinder (activate in the settings)
- Added automatic exposure correction for auxiliary and frontal.
- Added Libs option for helpers.
- Reset auxiliary buttons (Thanks Fu24)
- Adjusted automatic exposure correction.
- Disabled aux1 to be enabled by default.
- Separate exposure compensation
- Separate AWB for the following modes: Rear, Front, Night, Aux1 and Aux2
- Fixed slow motion for Redmi Note 8 PRO (120 FPS).
- Other fixes and improvements
There are other modifications and corrections that were made but are not in the changelog.